More Burma Army troops deployed to SSA HQ

More Burma Army troops deployed to SSA HQ
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Hseng Khio Fah

Latest information today says about 5 battalions of Burma Army troops were sent to Wanhai, new headquarters of Shan State Army (SSA), the armed wing of Shan State Progress Party that refused to transform into Naypyitaw’s Border Guard Force (BGF) program and returned to the armed struggle after being attacked in March.

aungthan-tutHundreds of soldiers were reported to have deployed from every side, said local eye witnesses. Some were seen coming from Shan State South’s Kehsi Township and some from battalions under Northeastern Region Command (NERC) based in Lashio, Shan State North.

“Many Burma Army patrols are seen heading to Wanhai this morning from Monghsu. Villagers from Mong Awt village tract, Monghsu township are ordered to go for portering whenever the soldiers arrived. Every 20 villager are assigned to take in turn for the service,” said a local source from Monghsu.

Regarding to the immediate reinforcement of the Burma Army, sources close to Hsengkaew militia comment that the action is likely to be related to an emergency meeting held in Lashio HQ by Maj-Gen Aung Than Htut who oversees operations in Shan State on 13 June.

“It was about 16:30 local time; Aung Than Htut arrived at the HQ and called a meeting with commanders in the NERC. No details are known. But most of the people speculate that it may partly concern the SSA issue,” said a source.

Today, Maj-Gen Aung Than Htut and Brig-Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw, Commander of NERC, are reported to have headed to Hoparng and Kunlong, west of United Wa State Army (UWSA) controlled area. They are expected to inspect the area as well.

Although speculations are that the Burma Army is planning to raid the SSA HQ, the SSA said there has been no significant sign yet.

The Burma Army troops are active just 2 miles away from Wanhai HQ.

Yesterday fighting between the two groups [Burma Army and SSA] were reported in Ho Nga village tract and Loi Khio Mountain, both in Monghsu township. The SSA side was reported to have launched a swift attack, leaving five Burma army soldier dead.

“A dozen Burma Army soldiers were brought to Monghsu hospital in the morning from Ho Nga fighting field. And more were carried in again in the evening. But they were said to be from Loi Khio fighting,” a source said.

Burma Army troops are now believed to have around 25 battalions including 20 battalions deployed earlier.

The Burma Army, besides attacking the SSA, has also been launching operations against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Bhamo district, Kachin State on the Sino-Burma border since 9 June forcing hundreds of civilians seeking asylum in neighboring townships.