Ex-premier Chuan rocks tour boat in Shan East

Ex-premier Chuan rocks tour boat in Shan East
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A low profile visit by former Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, last month has prompted junta leaders to impose stiff restrictions on tour buses coming from the kingdom into Burma’s Shan State East, according to sources on the Thai-Burma border...

A low profile visit by former Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai, last month has prompted junta leaders to impose stiff restrictions on tour buses coming from the kingdom into Burma’s Shan State East, according to sources on the Thai-Burma border.

 commons.wikimedia.org)“The trip he made on 23 January wasn’t even his first one,” said an informed source. “He had already made several merit making trips to Thart Zawntawng and Wat Hokhong in Kengtung (160 km from Maesai) with his friends. He even visited Mongla (80 km further from Kengtung) where he was recognized by some locals who seized the opportunity to take photographs with him.”

“Tour buses from Thailand since 10 February are no longer allowed to enter Tachilek (opposite Maesai),” said a visitor. “As for vehicles going to Mongla, there are only vans that are permitted to pass through since 6 February.”

Immigration officials have been blamed by higher authorities for their lax passport scrutiny procedure, but there are as yet no reports whether any official has been punished.

Chuan, 73, has been known as the Thai prime minister least liked by Burma’s ruling generals. He headed the Democratic Party led coalition governments between 1992-95 and 1997-2001.