Shan rebels strike again

Shan rebels strike again
by -
Hseng Khio Fah

A civilian truck carrying Burma Army soldiers based in Shan State East’s Mongton township on the Thai-Burma border was attacked by the Shan State South (SSA) ‘South’ yesterday wounding at least five, according to local sources...

A civilian truck carrying Burma Army soldiers based in Shan State East’s Mongton township on the Thai-Burma border was attacked by the Shan State South (SSA) ‘South’ yesterday wounding at least five, according to local sources.

maeken1They included 3 soldiers, one of them a captain, a nurse and an unidentified civilian. The incident took place at Mae Ken between Mongton and Nakawngmu, 42 miles north of Chiangmai border, at 10:00 local time.

According to local sources, it happened because the truck was reported to be carrying some Burma Army soldiers of Nakawngmu-based Infantry Battalion (IB) 65, when it returned from delivering a patient at Mongton hospital.

“It was ambushed 1-2 miles north of Maeken,” said a local villager from a nearby village of the incident.

The Burma Army side had about 10 men, while the SSA side had 5. Regarding the incident, the SSA spokesperson told SHAN that he was unable to confirm for the report.

Meanwhile, reports of Burma Army’s reinforcement have been coming up as well.

Last Saturday 15 January, 26 six-wheel Burma Army trucks, carrying hundreds of Burma Army troops, reportedly crossed the Tasang Bridge on the Salween heading for Mongton. Those were believed by some to be deployed in the new sub-township, Monghta, while others think it is to be used against United Wa State Army (UWSA)’s 171st Military Region on the Thai-Burma border. Yet there are still others who say it is to be used against the SSA fighters because the Burma Army units were very often being ambushed by them.

It had already been attacked twice during the last month alone.