KIA and TNLA join forces to eradicate the military dictatorship

KIA and TNLA join forces to eradicate the military dictatorship

The Kachin Independence Organization/ Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA) and the Palaung State Liberation Front/ Ta'ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA), two influential ethnic armed organizations (EAOs), have made a joint announcement vowing to unite their efforts to get rid of the military dictatorship.

Representatives from KIA and TNLA convened on May 16th and 17th in Mai Ja Yang, situated in Kachin State, the KIA headquarters. During their meeting, the two organizations reached a consensus to collaborate closely, fostering a comprehensive mutual understanding.

Colonel Naw Bu, the information officer of KIO, clarified that in response to the escalating anti-military movements throughout the country, the two EAOs have reached a consensus to collaboratively undertake coordinated initiatives during this critical period.

"Currently, there is a collective effort to dismantle the rule of the Junta, and the entire nation seeks the complete eradication of the military dictatorship. In light of this, the KIO and TNLA will collaborate in areas where cooperation is necessary to achieve our shared objectives. This doesn't involve the development of new specific programs. Rather it signifies that routine matters between the two organizations will be approached with increased cooperation compared to previous times”, the KIA colonel explained. .

In the aftermath of the military coup that took place in 2021, the People's Defense Force (PDF) emerged as a new armed revolutionary force. They are currently undergoing military training provided by both KIO/KIA and PSLF/TNLA in their respective areas of control.

The PDF is also collaborating closely with KIA in their joint efforts to combat the military dictatorship and strive for an armed revolution aimed at eliminating its grip on Kachin State and the neighboring Sagaing Region.

Esteemed veteran politician U PhayThan is of the opinion that, if other EAOs can foster a similar level of collaboration akin to the joint statement issued by KIA and TNLA, it will significantly bolster the momentum of the Spring Revolution.

"Although only two of them have officially declared it, the truth is that other EAOs and revolutionary forces share the same sentiment. KIA and TNLA's resolute statement against the military dictatorship has made a tremendous impact. In the fight to overthrow the military regime, such collaborations are crucial for unified operations under a single command”, he noted.

KIA and TNLA are among the members of the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC), a coalition comprising seven EAOs. FPNCC consists of the Arakan Army (AA), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) based in Kokang, and other allied organizations that work together in both military and political coordination.

After the KIA made its declaration of a new alliance to end the military dictatorship, Than Lwin Times contacted TNLA's information officer, Lieutenant Colonel Mai Aik Kyaw for his opinion, but was unable to get in touch.

During the meeting, representatives from both sides engaged in discussions regarding some military tensions occurring in certain border regions between Kachin and Shan states. These areas are of particular concern as they are operational territories for both the KIA and TNLA.

Additionally, both organizations reached an agreement to prioritize the safety and well-being of the local Kachin, Ta'ang, and Shan ethnic communities. They also pledged to refrain from taking actions that could impose undue hardships or burdens on the local population.

As stated in the joint declaration, KIA and TNLA mutually agreed to foster a harmonious coexistence founded on principles of equality. They also vowed to engage in coordinated efforts, as deemed necessary, to combat illicit drug trade and other related activities.

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