Demonstration held in Australia to mark second anniversary of People's Spring Revolution

Demonstration held in Australia to mark second anniversary of People's Spring Revolution

In front of the Federal Parliament building in Canberra, Australia, on February 9, Myanmar people and ethnic forces in Australia gathered to hold a demonstration to mark the second anniversary of the People's Spring Revolution.

In the demonstration, they demanded not to recognize the military council election in 2023, to extend the visa period of those who participated in the Spring Revolution and CDM, to establish formal diplomatic relations with the NUG, and protested against the invitation of the representatives appointed by the Military Council to the ASEAN Defense Ministers' Meeting.

Ma Moe Zin, spokesperson for the event, told KIC about the purpose of holding such a demonstration, "The purpose of this demonstration is not to recognize the Myanmar Military Council, to sanction it, and to cooperate closely with the NUG."

In addition, a total of 200 ethnic representatives of the Kachin, Karenni (Kayah), Karen, Chin and Mon people participated in the event. They spoke about the Military Council's violence against the ethnic groups and the topics of resistance and revolution, and expressed a united protest to fight against the military dictatorship, according to one of the attendees.

"Before, I usually went to demonstrations in Canberra. Mainly, I want to show that I don't support the military dictatorship. As a family in politics, we stand by our people. This event is held to mark the two-year anniversary of the Spring Revolution under dictatorial rule, and the war of resistance and revolution will also be told at the protest," she told KIC.

NUG's Australia representative U Tun Aung Shwe, Independent MP Zoe Daniel, labor representatives from the United Workers Union, and Myanmar ethnic representatives attended the event. Not only Myanmar people from Canberra, Australia, but also Myanmar people from Melbourne and Sydney, as well as some Australian citizens participated.

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