NUG issues 4 point statement on honoring CDMs

NUG issues 4 point statement on honoring CDMs

The National Unity Government (NUG) issued a 4-point statement honoring civil and private workers who participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in the post-revolutionary period on February 1, the 2nd anniversary of the Military Council's coup.

U Nay Phone Latt, spokesperson of NUG, said that the decision was made to support CDMs mentally and physically.

"The CDM Success Committee has been formed at NUG and has been supporting CDM for a long time. In the financial part, we worked to support CDM employees according to the relevant ministries of NUG. For example, we focused on providing emergency care for those who need to go to the hospital, health care for pregnant women and finding a place for those who have no place to live," he told KIC.

In addition, CDMs are important people who participated in the Spring Revolution, and NUG is constantly thinking of ways to support CDMs, so it must be admitted that it was not ableto support 100% of CDM staff in sharing funds for other important aspects of the revolution, U Nay Phone Latt added.

In the NUG announcement, private CDM employees and civil service CDMs will be awarded state-level honorary titles in the post-revolutionary period, and civil service CDMs will be promoted to higher positions from the positions they have served since February 2023, when the announcement was made.

The daily wage civil servant CDMs, including part-time coaches and demonstrations, will be confirmed and appointed as permanent employees from the date of the announcement, and the wages and bonuses of civil servant CDMs who have not been withdrawn since the seizure of power will also be paid in a lump sum in the post-revolutionary period.

The NUG has recognized that CDM employees are not involved in the military council's killing of people and are supporting the revolution from one side as a big pillar of support. U Nay Phone Latt added that only the employees participating in the CDM are real public servants, and the non-CDM employees currently serving the Military Council are the employees of the Military Council Chairman.

Similarly, Chapter (3) of JCC-CDM's civil servant CDM policy document issued by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) on January 20 also includes recognition, documenting and honoring of CDM civil servants, seeking truth and justice, redressing grievances, etc.

As NUG will work on these 4 points one by one, the points included in NUG's statement are applicable to the recognition, recording and honoring of CDM national employees in Chapter (3) of the civil servant CDM policy document,  U Nay Phone Latt said.

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