12 prisoners break out of police cell in Tanintharyi’s Bokepyin Township

12 prisoners break out of police cell in Tanintharyi’s Bokepyin Township

12 Prisoners at Bokepyin Myoma Police Station in Tanintharyi Region broke out of their cells and escaped at about 2:00 a.m. on 22 November, according to locals.

They said that among the escapees from the police station, in Kawthaung District’s Bokepyin Township, were a participant in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and a people’s defence force (PDF) fighter.

A Bokepyin resident said: “We heard gunshots around the police station, followed by police officers and Junta troops chasing and searching for prisoners in the township. They [the prisoners] broke down the cell door and escaped. But, we heard that a prisoner had been recaptured within an hour, but I'm not sure about that.”

Another resident said: "Currently, military council troops and police officers are conducting a thorough investigation into the escape of prisoners in Bokepyin. I heard that some people have been recaptured, but I am not certain.”

According to locals, heavy security has been deployed inside and outside the police station, with passing pedestrians and vehicles still being inspected as of the time of writing at 2 p.m. on 23 November.

According to locals, 12 prisoners initially escaped, but Mizzima is still trying to confirm that figure.

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