More than 300 battles occur in KNU-controlled area in a month

More than 300 battles occur in KNU-controlled area in a month

The KNU said there were 333 clashes between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)/ Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO) and regime allies in the KNU-held Kawthoolei area in September alone, the KNU said.

During those battles, 360 members of the Military Council and the Border Guard Force (BGF) were killed and 264 others injured.

On the other hand, seven comrades lost their lives and 37 were wounded on the KNLA/KNDO side.

The military council’s airstrikes and artillery shelling claimed six civilians and injured 11 others in September, the statement said.

The military council has continued to violate human rights in the KNU’s Nyaunglabybin District, where the fierce fighting is still going on, Saw Nanda Suu, the spokesperson of the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG), said.

From May to September, there were nearly 100,000 displaced residents in the KNU Brigade 3, Nyaunglabybin District due to human rights violations by the military council. In addition, 16 residents died and 21 were injured, while 94 locals were arrested and tortured, according to KNU Brigade 3.

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