Regime forces set fire to Htilin’s Ponna village, arrests nearly 30 residents

Regime forces set fire to Htilin’s Ponna village, arrests nearly 30 residents

The military forces burned down Ponna village in Magway Region’s Htilin Township, while detaining 30 civilians, the residents told Than Lwin Times.

On September 27, the junta column invaded Ponna village in gunfire and torched five homes.

Among those destroyed by fire were the residences of Ponna village—U Pei Toe, Daw Nyo Aye, U Tun Yee, and U Nhet Sett—including a resthouse.

The forcible detention of innocent people and the burning down of their homes, according to a local, are unacceptable and strongly denounced.

According to reports, military council troops stormed the village of Ponna, ransacked some residences, and confiscated two Faw cars, four motorcycles, and a number of livestock for meals.

The Institute for Strategy and Policy (ISP-Myanmar), a research group, claims that more than 36,000 homes and buildings were damaged by the military council 's artillery shelling and arson attacks after the military takeover, with Magway Region having the second-highest figure.

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