Three ministers of Karen State Government released from prison

Three ministers of Karen State Government released from prison

An NLD party spokesperson confirmed that three ministers of the Karen State government, who were charged and sentenced to prison terms by the military council, were released from Hpa-an’s Taungkalay prison on the morning of September 1 because their sentences had been served.

The three ministers who were released were: Social Affairs Minister, U Bo Bo Wai Maung; Pao Ethnic Affairs Minister, Khun Myo Tint; and Immigration and Population Minister, U Min Ko Khaing.

Each of them was sentenced to two years in prison under Section 505 (b) and were released yesterday after serving their prison terms.

"The ministers were released from Hpha-an‘s Taungkalay Prison this morning. I am happy that they have been freed," Vice President of Yangon Region’s NLD Party, Dr. Soe Win Oo, confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

Members of the NLD government have been detained and imprisoned since February 1, 2021, by the military coup council.

Among them, Daw Nang Khin Htwe Myint, the Chief Minister of Karen State, received the longest prison term of more than 70 years.

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