Cross-border migrant workers heading to Thailand on the rise

Cross-border migrant workers heading to Thailand on the rise

The number of illegal cross-border entries of Myanmar migrant workers to Thailand via the Thai-Myanmar border has risen due to the lack of job opportunities following the military coup in Myanmar, the volunteers who are helping migrant workers told Than Lwin Times.

Every day, illegal Myanmar migrant workers cross the border to enter Thailand; some have managed to escape, while others have been detained by Thai authorities.

In the early months of 2022, the average number of Myanmar migrant workers arrested for illegally entering Thailand through the border was almost 4,000 per month.

Illegal border crossings have surged since the Thai government stated that migrant workers who entered Thailand illegally from Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam would receive pink ID cards as work permits.

Migrant Workers' Rights Network (MWRN) chairman U Aung Kyaw noted that the Thai government will issue pink cards for migrant workers between August 1 and 15, which has led to an increase in the number of migrant workers crossing the border illegally.

Migrant workers from Myanmar are currently entering Thailand illegally through the border areas due to the instability of Myanmar's internal affairs, a lack of job opportunities, and the economic crisis. However, there are also those who are traveling legally thanks to the MOU system between the two nations.

Additionally, starting in October, the Thai government will raise the minimum wage for all workers, including migrant workers, from 328 baht to 354 baht.

Over 100,000 Myanmar migrant workers entered Thailand illegally after the military takeover, according to those who assist migrant workers.

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