Myanmar military releases four female detainees in Kyauktaw Twsp

Myanmar military releases four female detainees in Kyauktaw Twsp
Junta troops patrol in Mrauk-U, Arakan State, on June 22. (Photo: CJ)
Junta troops patrol in Mrauk-U, Arakan State, on June 22. (Photo: CJ)

The Myanmar military on Tuesday night released four women of more than 20 residents it detained in Kyauktaw Township earlier that day in response to the Arakan Army’s detention of junta soldiers, said residents.

The regime released the four female detainees after checking their personal data, but still holds other residents including activist Ko Zaw Win, said a resident who asked for anonymity.

“The four women were taken along with a man in a military truck. Others were taken in a prisoner transport vehicle. The women said they haven’t seen the man who was taken along with them. And they don’t know where he is,” he said. “They said they were taken to a battalion blindfolded. Others who were taken in the prisoner transport vehicle are not yet released, and their whereabouts are still unknown.”

Detainees are reportedly from Pyi Taw Thar, Myothit and Pike Thel wards, and except activist Ko Zaw Win, other detainees can’t be still identified because the Myanmar military is still making searches, said residents.

“Tensions are high as both the AA and the military are making arrests. Everyone is in fear. Junta troops are making checks across the town, and markets and schools have been closed. The situation is a real concern for locals,” said a resident.

Junta soldiers came in two military trucks Wednesday morning, firing around 10 shots in the air. They checked the phones of passers-by, said another resident.

“Junta soldiers also came today. Shops could only open for a while and were closed after they came. They carried out checks on roads, they didn’t ask questions. They mainly checked the phones of people. They checked if there are photos linked to the Arakan Army. Schools were closed again today. Young and middle-aged men have fled out of town,” he said.

Military tensions are running high between the Myanmar military and the AA in Arakan State. The regime has detained dozens of residents in Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun and Minbya townships on suspicion of having ties to the AA. Observers say clashes could erupt at any time in Arakan State.

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