NUG has received $ 30 Million in public contributions, but no foreign aid

NUG has received $ 30 Million in public contributions, but no foreign aid

The National Unity Government’s (NUG) Defense Minister, Ye Mon, said that the People Defense Forces (PDFs) were set up using public donations of $30 million and that no foreign aid has yet been received.

"We are establishing the People's Defense Forces based on funds donated by our own local people and from people abroad. No foreign aid has been provided yet ", he said.

Ye Mon, included those remarks in a six-month report on the people's resistance released on Burma Human Rights Day on 13 March.

"The good news is that we have reached a certain amount of ammunition with the help of the Allies. But, that's far from enough for all of our PDF comrades", he said.

According to him of the more than $ 30 million raised through public contributions, 85 per cent has been spent on arms, 7% has been shared with allies and the rest has gone to fund other necessary parts of the resistance.

"We urge all the people, businessmen, and the wealthy people to double their support so that our comrades can get the basic weapons they need," he added.

He also claimed that during the six months of the People's Resistance Revolution, they have been able to control many rural areas and inflict damage on enemy forces every day.

The NUG government officially declared the People's Resistance Revolution on 7 September 2021

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