UWSP says peace could be found during Xi’s visit

UWSP says peace could be found during Xi’s visit
An armored fighting vehicle of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) drives in a downtown area of Panghsang, also called Pang Kham, autonomous Wa region, north-eastern Myanmar, 17 April 2019. Photo: Lynn Bo Bo/EPA
An armored fighting vehicle of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) drives in a downtown area of Panghsang, also called Pang Kham, autonomous Wa region, north-eastern Myanmar, 17 April 2019. Photo: Lynn Bo Bo/EPA

The United Wa State Party (UWSP) says that they expect the solution for resolving fighting between government troops and northern Myanmar based ethnic armed forces will be found during Chinese President Xi’s visit to Myanmar.

The statement issued by UWSP/UWSA (United Wa State Army) welcomes President Xi’s visit to Myanmar and added that peace in northern Myanmar was concerned with Sino-Myanmar relations and development among people (with China).

The statement suggests that China plays a crucial role in restoring peace in Myanmar especially a ceasefire with ethnic armed groups in the Northern Alliance.

Brig. Gen. Zaw Min Tun from Tatmadaw (Defence Services) True News Information Team said, “They (China) are historically concerned and involved (in Myanmar affairs). We can be optimistic if they act as a good neighbour and follow the principle of peaceful coexistence in dealing with the Northern Alliance.”

The UWSP statement wishes economic, trade and infrastructure development projects in China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ and ‘China Myanmar Economic Corridor’ will have a good and immediate impact in underdeveloped ethnic inhabited areas.

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