New batch of Peace Corps volunteers. Photo: CM Phyo Min Thein Facebook page
The swearing-in ceremony of US Peace Corps volunteers, who will serve in the Myanmar education sector for two years, was held at Summit Parkview Hotel on April 5.
This ceremony was held for fourth batch of US Peace Corps in Myanmar and recognition of service of new volunteers and it was attended by Union Education Minister, Chief Ministers from Magway and Yangon Regions, the US ambassador to Myanmar among others.
The Peace Corps Myanmar Facebook page says, the volunteers take the oath as saying, “I swear to serve in association with Myanmar people. I swear to help in bridging people of US and Myanmar for peace and friendship. I swear to work in nurturing understanding of cultures of two countries with respect and caution. I swear to serve my duties with tolerance, humility and strong determination. As a Peace Corps volunteer I swear to serve with pride, dignity, responsibility in the highest standard in dedication of proud and fine tradition of Peace Corps.”
These new 32 volunteers will teach English in Bago Region, Mon State and Magway Region in 2019.
These English teacher volunteers were reportedly given a pre-service training programme concentrating on the Myanmar language and culture, job-specific skills, health and safety training.
The first batch of six US Peace Corps volunteers came in September 2016 to teach English and 16 volunteers came in the second batch in March 2017.
In the third batch, these Peace Corps volunteers came to Bago Region, Mon State and Yangon Region for teaching English.
The US Peace Corps is working hand in hand with the Myanmar Education Ministry for upgrading education standards, and capacity building of English teachers here, providing quality English teaching to students of Myanmar.