Military training for referendum

Military training for referendum
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Narinjara News
Mraybon: Desperate to have the draft constitution approved by the people local Burmese military junta authorities in Arakan State are conducting military training for its thugs, including members of the USDA, Fire Service, Swan Arr Shin and the people's militias. The idea is to use these forces to assist their victory in the referendum, said a villager who participated in the training but refused to be named.
Mraybon: Desperate to have the draft constitution approved by the people local Burmese military junta authorities in Arakan State are conducting military training for its thugs, including members of the USDA, Fire Service, Swan Arr Shin and the people's militias. The idea is to use these forces to assist their victory in the referendum, said a villager who participated in the training but refused to be named.

"I was attending the military training in the remote jungle along with 30 other people near Kyauk Nga Nwar Village in Mraybon Township last month. The training was imparted by the Burmese Army," he said.

Mraybon Township is located in Kyauk Pru District in central Arakan State and many village tracts in the township are controlled by the military.

"We had to learn how to use small arms in battle and army trainers taught us how to set up and how to set off the arms. But the army trainers did not tell us why we were summoned to attend the military training. They told us that people have to be united to wipe out the foes of the union of Burma," he said.

Village chairmen in respective villages in Mraybon Township have mobilized the men for military training with some who are members of the USDA, Fire Service, Swan Arr Shin and people's militias, on order of the higher authorities.

In Arakan State, there has been no military training of these organizations in the past. Because of this, people in Arakan State believe the military training is related to the ensuing referendum.

"I am sure the training is for the referendum. The forces will be used to mobilize people to make them cast "yes" votes. It is confirmed that the trainings are to be held closer to the time of the referendum," the villager said.

An analyst in Sittwe said, "I heard there are two major particulars for the military training by the authorities of Arakan State. First is to show the strength of the government supporters to the people, and second is to threaten people to vote "yes" in the referendum."

"The military government received an excellent lesson about elections in 1990, so they are preparing to avoid failure in the referendum this time," the analyst added.

The Mraybon Township authority is still conducting the military training in many village tracts in the township, including Kyar Inn Daung, Yaw Salin, Yoke Koon, Chaung Gri, Ka Bai Chaung and May Lawn, said the villager.