Shan residents concerned over military reinforcements in Mong Kung area

Shan residents concerned over military reinforcements in Mong Kung area
The area of clashes seen from Kyaung Lwel Set (Photo by SSM)
The area of clashes seen from Kyaung Lwel Set (Photo by SSM)

The Tatmadaw has been reinforcing a large number of troops in both Hispaw and Mong Kung townships in the southern Shan State and border of the northern Shan State while both Shan State Armies have also deployed reinforcements, according to local military commanders.

The Tatmadaw has been active in Mong Kung and Kyethi townships under Loilen District in the southern Shan State and Hsipaw Township in the northern Shan State after dispatching military reinforcements while the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) and the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) have also reinforced their troops to protect themselves, local military commanders said.

The Tatmadaw has deployed battalions under the North Eastern Command and the Eastern Central Command and some battalions under the 33rd Light Infantry Division (LID-33) to Hsipaw and Mong Kung townships. Clashes have been breaking out up to yesterday evening (July 11) since the Tatmadaw has been tracking and attacking the RCSS/SSA with heavy weapons and the number of internally displaced residents has reached up to over 600, according to local residents.

“Over 50 people arrived in Ham Ngaing Lwel Settaw Monastery yesterday. Now, [the number of] IDPs is over 600. This is the time for planting. What will the local residents eat after the monsoon if they don’t plant now? The local residents mostly plant rice and maize. They want to go home so badly. Please stop the fighting as soon as possible. Assistance is urgently needed,” said State Hluttaw MP Sai Lone from Mong Kung Township.

A resident of Kyethi said around 20 people from six households arrived in Thuwunna Thiri Hom Htam Monastery in Kyethi.

“The 569th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-569) has been shooting around with heavy weapons from Naung Taung Monastery. We fled since we didn’t dare to stay in the village,” said a displaced mother who came to Kyethi.

“We are active in the mountains in this area. The RCSS/SSA is located in the plains. We can’t say the Tatmadaw won’t come in our direction. That’s why we have reinforced our troops,” said a military commander from the SSPP.

Local residents claimed that the Tatmadaw was involved in a friendly fire near Ton Keng Village while they were reinforcing their troops yesterday morning and residents who were fleeing from Ton Law Village Group to Ho Hke Village Group were forced to flee to Ton Law Ywarma in fear.

The Tatmadaw has been preparing for war after Lt-Gen Thein Tun Oo told the RCSS/SSA representatives that the Tatmadaw will clear any armies that encroach in the territory.

According to the RCSS/SSA-owned Tai Freedom website, the RCSS/SSA insisted that it has not made any territorial encroachment or sign any agreements on designating the territory and claimed that the Tatmadaw leaders have challenged them for war by making such kind of remarks.

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