Namkham Township IDP Camps Lack Health Care

Namkham Township IDP Camps Lack Health Care
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People who fled fighting are suffering a shortage of health care services since June at their camps in Namkham Township, northern Shan State, according to camp officials on October 14.

U Lay Maung, manager of Nay Wun Ni refugee camp, told Mizzima some internally displaced persons or IDPs in the townships’ five camps are troubled by eye problems and fever partly as a result of the wet weather.

Namkham Township IDP Camps Lack Health Care

Villagers have been displaced by fighting between the Kachin Independence Army and government forces.

“Medics from the 88th Light Infantry Division gave medical treatment to the refugees. After that, NGOs and INGOs provided health care services to them. But now the refugees lack health care. They frequently suffer from fever. Medical treatment in urban clinics and hospitals is out of their reach due to lack of money,” U Lay Maung said.

In 2013, a medical team led by medics from Namkham Township Hospital offered health care and medicines at the IDP camps. But since then medical treatment has not been forthcoming. So the camp authorities have reported on camp health conditions to the government, said U Yaw Hton, secretary of Gyaw IDP camp.

Over 300 IDPs are reported to be taking shelter at Gyaw, Nay Wun Ni, Kyayzu Gabar, Panlon and St Thomas IDP camps in Namkham Township. With the cold season about to arrive, the displaced people are hoping for better health care.