KNDO Chief Urges Karen People to Support Establishment of Karen State

KNDO Chief Urges Karen People to Support Establishment of Karen State

Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay, Commander-in-Chief of the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO), the older of two main military branches of the Karen National Union (KNU), has called upon all Karen people, both within Myanmar and abroad, to join efforts in establishing the Karen State, a longstanding aspiration of the Karen community.

Following KNDO's 77th anniversary ceremony at its headquarters on July 16, Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay emphasized in an interview with KIC the importance of collective action among Karen people of all ages and genders to achieve this goal.

"No single group like KNDO or the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) can alone realize the establishment of Karen State," he stated. "It's a shared desire of all Karen people, and thus, everyone must contribute. Only through collective effort can we expedite its fulfillment”, he added.

Brigadier General Saw Shee Lay also encouraged Karen youth to actively engage in nationalist movements, envisioning them as pivotal in carrying forward the struggle if necessary.

"We place great hope in the younger generation and will support their involvement," he affirmed. "Should the nationalist cause transcend our era, we trust that the youth will continue the legacy. This is a cause we hope will endure through generations until our ultimate goal is achieved”, he told KIC.

KNDO anniversary ceremony saw attendance from various dignitaries, including KNU Central Executive Committee member Padoh Saw Kale Say, representatives from the Karen Youth Organization (KYO), KNDO troops, students, and youth, totaling approximately 1000 participants.

Events during the ceremony included tributes to KNDO troops and officers, vibrant firework displays, an address by KNDO Commander-in-Chief, readings of congratulatory messages from partner organizations, and a retrospective on KNDO's history.

Additionally, the program included recognition for KNDO members with over 25 years of service and honors for troops who have made significant sacrifices in their service to the organization.

Following Myanmar's independence, the Karen people made peaceful appeals to the government for recognition of Karen State, but these efforts were unsuccessful. Subsequently, on July 16, 1947, Karen leaders opted for armed resistance and established KNDO. It was founded with core policies focusing on readiness for potential conflicts, safeguarding Karen lives and property, and bolstering mobilization capabilities through armed struggle.

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