Resistance Forces Fighting to Retain Control in Chaunghnitkhwa Village, Kyaikmaraw Township

Resistance Forces Fighting to Retain Control in Chaunghnitkhwa Village, Kyaikmaraw Township

Intense fighting persisted in Chaunghnitkhwa village, that was scene of recent victories by the  revolutionary forces in Kyaikmaraw Township, Mon State, according to reports from local and ground sources.

On November 10, joint forces of the revolutionary forces, including the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), attacked the Military Council's police station and bridge checkpoint in Chaunghnitkhwa village.

Following that ,on the fourth day of the battle, November 13, the joint forces of the revolutionary forces successfully captured two Military Council camps.

On November 14, over 30 Military Council troops arrived at the Chaunghnitkhwa police station, which had been captured and burned down by the revolutionary forces, leading to a resumption of fighting between the two sides.

Throughout the battle, the Military Council's tactical command center situated in Mudon Township incessantly fired artillery shells. As a result, the loud sounds of artillery shells resonated around Chaunghnitkhwa village, as reported by local residents who fled the conflict.

Ground sources informed Than Lwin Times that, due to the conflict in Chaunghnitkhwa, the residents of approximately seven surrounding villages, including Chaunghnitkhwa village, have nearly entirely evacuated the area.

The NUG's Ministry of Defense announced on the night of November 13 that 14 troops of the 22nd Division of the Military Council, stationed in Hpa-An Township, including the battalion commander and an officer, were killed. Moreover, 5 were captured alive, and 23 Military Council troops surrendered in the Chaunghnitkhwa battle.

During the battle in Chaunghnitkhwa, Kyaikmaraw Township, a woman and a child from Pawlaw village were killed, and at least 10 houses were damaged due to the Military Council's airstrikes, according to local residents.

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