WOMEN – Their heroic role in the revolution has shaken the Junta Post- coup more than 2,700 women nationwide have arrested

WOMEN – Their heroic role in the revolution has shaken the Junta Post- coup more than 2,700 women nationwide have arrested

In this Spring Revolution, the revolutionary vigor and decisive leadership of the women of Burma, belonging to all classes and ethnicities, has shaken the military junta to their very core. From the very start, women have continuously put up a vigorous fight on the frontlines

For the first time in the history of Burma, women were able to unfurl their Hta-Mein [female

skirt/Sarong] as flags; proclaiming “Our Hta-Mein! Our Flag! Our Victory!”.

This heroine chant of the Spring Revolution resonated across the country and beyond. The valiant spirit of the women of Burma was acknowledged not only domestically but all around the world.

A total of 103 women were arbitrarily arrested and detained by the military in Kachin State

in the two years since the coup, and there are more than 2,700 women nationwide, according to a report published by the Burmese Women’s Union, ( from the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

From February 1, 2021, when the Military Council seized power, to February 1, 2023, there were a total of 2,778 women arrested arbitrarily, and the majority were from Yangon Division, with a total of 758.

In addition, the number of women who were unjustly arrested was 393 in Mandalay Division, 337 in Sagaing Division, more than 200 women each in Bago Division and Tanintharyi Division, and more than 100 each in Magway Division, Ayeyarwady Division, Kachin State, Shan State, 21 in Rakhine State, 85 in Mon State, 92 in Karen State, 9 in Kayah State, 32 in Chin State, 39 in Nay Pyi Taw and 42 in unknown location, the report said., the report said.

The detained women included more than 2,000 ordinary civilians, 365 from the Department of Education, 92 activists working in party politics, and 51 working in the health sector.

It has also been pointed out that more than 10 people from various sectors such as artists, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the judiciary, the government sector including MPs, and other activists have been detained by the Military Council.

According to the list of the Burmese Women’s Union, 414 women died during the 2 years of the military coup, of which 107 died due to the explosion of the military’s artillery shelling in villages where the people lived.

In addition, according to reports from credible news media, there were 15 cases of gang rape by military personnel and 10 cases of rape committed by civilians. There were 3 incidents of sexual harassment at military interrogation centers and 2 incidents of harassment at checkpoints.

The above report mainly refers to the information of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) and was compiled by the Burmese Women’s Union based on information from credible news media.

It is also stated that the numbers could be higher due to challenges in the flow of information on the ground and difficulty in accessing it.

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