The voice of Shan-ni (Red Shan) women is still missing in this election

The voice of Shan-ni (Red Shan) women is still missing in this election
by -
Sai Si Khan (Shan Ni)

In the upcoming election, the ethnic parties have generally seen an increase in the number of female candidates, but sadly the inclusion of Shan-ni (Red Shan) females in politics remains low. The following is the interview with Shan-ni females about the obstacles to their involvement in politics.

Daw Hla Hla Maw (Lecturer-Yangon University)

Some Shan-ni females have no understanding about politics. This may be the product of their up-bringing. In the past Shan-ni males were always the breadwinners after marriage. But now both husband and wife are working for their daily life. Women also have to struggle for their daily survival. Only Shan-ni female students show interest in politics.

Daw Lay Nwe (Lecturer-Mandalay University)

We know that the number of female candidates is relatively low. I want outstanding women to participate in the election. According to custom and tradition, males are given priority over females, and this tradition is deeply-rooted in the society.  I think the low representation of Shan-ni female candidates is derived from the fact that women are not treated equally in the family upbringing. So women develop that politics is not part of their life.

But they need to take notice of the emergence of many female politicians and female businesspeople, not only in Myanmar. but also around the world. If females have no knowledge about politics, their children will have no knowledge. When their children are lacking in political knowledge, they will have no knowledge about their ethnic rights and their history and about other ethnic groups. If they lack political knowledge, they will gradually lag behind.

I have assumed that women play an important role in the development of our ethnic peoples and the country. I don’t want the females to spend their whole life on babysitting and household chores at home. I want them to try to be the one who can transform from the hands that rock the cradle, to the hands on which their ethnic people and the country can rely on to shake the world.

I want the emergence of females who can know and utilize their skills and aptitude. Women on their part need to strive for it. We need to create equal and democratic space for women.

Nan Mal Lay (Indawgyi region-Mapyin village)

They assumed that the lack of interest of women in politics is linked to the fact that they lack the opportunity. The involvement of females in politics is not an easy task. Females encounter more difficulties than males even if females may have the same political knowledge, capacity and education and leadership skills. Shan-ni females including me become interested in politics after 2015 General Election

Nan Tone Kham (Naungpoaung village-Sagaing Region)

Only a handful of females are interested in politics. But some Shan-ni females have strong political and patriotic spirits. As far as I know, 98 in 100 Shan-ni females have strong patriotic spirits; around 60 in 100 Shan-ni females are interested in politics.

But most of them are busy looking after the family, and their daily existence. They could participate in the regional development tasks, if they are provided assistance and given training. Women often are left with less time to engage in politics compared to men.

Another factor is that conservative older men don’t like the females keeping abreast of males. They are narrow-minded. Females who have money and sufficient time are involved in politics. They will improve a lot if they get assistance, training and activities.

They can participate in politics only when they have enough money. Sometime they keep quiet about their true desires while they are looking after their families and children.

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