Violence Breaks Out Between Northern Alliance And Military In Kutkai Township

Violence Breaks Out Between Northern Alliance And Military In Kutkai Township

Clashes have broken out between members of the Northern Alliance and the Burma Army (BA) in Kutkai Township in northern Shan State.

A front line Kachin Independence Army (KIA) soldier confirmed fighting the BA with the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) on the highway from Muse to Mandalay on Sunday, 28 November.

According to a local source, the battle happened between Kutkai and Hsenwi.

"We heard gunshots when a BA column arrived near Loi Yoi Mountain at around 9:10am. The soldiers carried on foot via Union Highway from Mang Pyein village. We could hear fighting at noon," the man, who asked that his name not be published, told NMG. No civilians from Mang Pyein were injured in the clashes.

Fighting between the military and the KIA and MNDAA, as well as other Northern Alliance members, has occurred at least 50 times in Kutkai Township since early May, but this is the first clash in November.

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