View from Chin State of how Covid-19 is making canvassing difficult

View from Chin State of how Covid-19 is making canvassing difficult
by -
Salai Benezer (KMG)

Here are the views of candidates in Chin State on the impact of COVID-19 directives on canvassing issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports.

Dr. Mu Htan, Chair of Chin State Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)

Due to COVID-19, mass gatherings must be less than 50 people. We have to arrange the chairs for the six-foot social distancing and distribute facemasks. Due to the social distancing rule, the gatherings cannot take place in homes. But we can do it in open-air spaces but now we have a big problem with the rainy season. Due to the heavy rain we cannot use the roads.

It would be okay if the election canvassing period is postponed to December or January. Chin State gets heavy rains in September. The election should be held when the weather is fine.

U Aung Lyan (Chin National League for Democracy (CNLD) Party)-Matupi Township Upper House Candidate

The 60-day election canvassing period is not sufficient for Chin State. There are more than 150 villages in Matupi Township in Chin State. The gathering of people is possible only on Sunday. We have to stay one night per village. We will have to stay three days per village when the mass gatherings of 50 people are done. Due to the social distancing rule and small spaces, we face many difficulties. If the election canvassing period is increased from 60 to 90 days, we can do canvassing effectively. The people can choose the candidates who will serve the interest of the people.

U Gin Kam Lyan, the NCD party, Teedim Township Lower House Candidate

We have many difficulties. For instance, around 200-300 people will attend the canvassing in a village. Due to the ban on the mass gathering of fewer than 50 people, not all attendees to the talks will hear what I said clearly. It is impractical if the villagers don’t hear what we say. Not only The UEC, but also the government should think about it. The election date should be postponed. Due to the heavy rains and landslides in Teedim and Tunzan Townships, we cannot use the roads even by motorbike.

U Wae Tin, the NLD’s candidates for Paletwa Township Upper House Parliament

We face difficulties in canvassing due to the ban on the mass gatherings caused by the spread of COVID-19. Some political parties have called on the UEC to postpone the election to December. But I think the election should be held (November 8th) Lack of regional security and internet shutdown in Paletwa Township of Chin State, makes my canvassing more difficult. I would like to urge the officials to restore the internet.

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