UNHCR Staff Member Killed by Junta Troops Amidst Buthidaung Clashes

UNHCR Staff Member Killed by Junta Troops Amidst Buthidaung Clashes

During intense fighting in Buthidaung Township in Arakan (Rakhine) State, a security guard for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) died after being detained and beaten by coup junta troops, according to NGO community.

U Kyaw Maung, in his 50s, was halfway from Aye Saeti Monastery in Buthidaung to Myoma Saetitaung Village around 11:00 am on April 30 when he was arrested by junta troops and their trained militiamen.

He was released around 5:00 pm but was severely tortured during his brief detention, leading to his death around 6:00 am on May 1.

“After his release, he remained unconscious and never regained consciousness. He had several bruises on his neck, indicating significant contusions. He passed away the following day”, an NGO staff reported.

During the Buthidaung clashes, nine civilians, including U Kyaw Maung, were arrested and killed by the junta and their trained militiamen.

The deceased include U Kyaw Maung (50) from Myoma Saetitaung, U Maung Gyi Phyu (44) from No. 5 Ward, U Dai Kar (45), Maung Pyae Phyo Aung (12), and Ko Du Kar (40) from No. 4 Ward, U Maung Kyaw Khaing (46), U Maung Thein Nyunt (51), U Tha Tun Aung (62), and U Zani Phyu (64) from Kinchaung Village.

The junta has been arresting and killing NGO workers and civilians, targeting homes, religious buildings, and NGO offices, prompting calls for effective international action.

“The junta's arrest and killing of a UN agency employee reflected its troops' disregard for any person or organization. The international community must take decisive action against the regime forces’ widespread atrocities, as they act with impunity across the country”, a Buthidaung resident said.

In Buthidaung, over 2900 houses have been destroyed due to armed clashes and arson attacks by junta troops.

Included in the destruction was the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) office and clinic, intentionally set ablaze on April 15.

On March 14, Ma Thidar Soe, an NGO worker, was arrested by junta troops in Kyeintali Town, Gwa Township, Arakan State, and her family has had no contact with her since.

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