Two Mara Chin Resistance Forces Reach Coalition Agreement, Release Prisoners

Two Mara Chin Resistance Forces Reach Coalition Agreement, Release Prisoners

Following a peace and reconciliation agreement between the two resistance forces in the Mara ethnic region in Chin State, a total of 13 detainees were released by both sides, according to the Mara Peace Council (MPC).

During a meeting in May between the Maraland Territorial Council/Maraland Defense Force (MTC/MDF) and the Interim Maraland Council/Chinland Defense Force - Mara (IMC/CDF-Mara), both sides agreed to release captured combatants and civilians on June 7. However, due to delays, the releases were only completed on June 26, according to MPC.

IMC/CDF-Mara released two detainees, Kyaw Htin and Mai Pha, as the first batch on June 10.

Later, MTC/MDF brought the detained Tai Sar, Khu Mar, Bi Nhi Chaung and Bway Yar for release, but the prisoners escaped near Shwelitewa village. The leaders of both organizations stated that they considered the incident as the release of prisoners in accordance with the agreement.

On June 26, MTC/MDF released Ra Lei Sar, Be Su Lar, Lolo, Lo Par Ky, and Ko Nay Myo Tun (aka Lay Htwar) in front of MPC officials in Zawngling Village. In response, IMC/CDF-Mara freed Ver Bi Sar and Du Lyan Nar.

On May 23, the two Mara armed resistance forces convened at Zawngling Village in Silha District, within Indian, for reconciliation and peace. The meeting included eight representatives from each side and 10 mediation officers from MPC, totaling 26 participants.

During the discussions, they signed an agreement on seven joint processes, including rules for notifying the Mara resistance forces when other ethnic armed groups trespass into the Mara ethnic region, as well as eight initiatives intended for future implementation.

Subsequently, a Reunification Implementation Commission Meeting with the leadership of MPC was scheduled for June 26 and 27, but it did not take place as planned, MPC stated.

Invitations for the meeting were extended to both Mara armed organizations on June 15, but IMC/CDF-Mara requested a postponement due to a scheduling conflict, as it had to attend the Chinland Council meeting on June 22.

To establish a 'One Command, One Administration' system in the Mara territory, the local ethnic armed forces are actively working under the guidance of the Reunification Implementation Commission.

The committee was organized with seven representatives from each respective Mara armed force.

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