Three people killed in Yebyu, Tenasserim Division

Three people killed in Yebyu, Tenasserim Division

In Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division, three people were killed on January 11, 2023, local sources reported HURFOM.

One victim was known as  U Kyaw Win.  He was believed to be  an informer to the military junta, and he assisted with the election process run by the junta.

“U Kyaw Win is the leader of the Pyu Saw Htee and he was armed by the junta. He also threatened villagers. He informed the military of particular villagers to arrest.  He also helped in  the election process. That’s why he was killed,” said a villager.

The Pyu Saw Htee is made up of military veterans and Buddhist ultranationalist pro-military supporters. It has its roots in Ma Ba Tha, an organization of ultranationalist Buddhists

whom the military bred and nurtured, both financially and politically, as a way of exerting control and to give them an air of legitimacy.

Villagers saw two other dead bodies that  were left beside the Yebyu Highway Road.

“Their hands were tied at the back and their faces were covered by clothes. The bodies were wrapped with clothes that look like saffron and abandoned beside the road,” said a villager.

Villagers could not identify the dead bodies.

“We heard gunshots and then a car took off into the night. We dare not go outside to see what happened. We saw two dead bodies in the morning. They might be killed by the Pu Saw Htee,” said one villager.

The People’s Defense Forces announced the killing of the two unidentified individuals was  not related to them.

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