Three Ann township residents, including a village administrator, arrested by Junta

Three Ann township residents, including a village administrator, arrested by Junta

Three local residents of Ann township in Rakhine State, including a village administrator, were arrested by the western military command headsquare (Napakha) soon after they were called for questioning on Tuesday.

The arrested individuals are U Nyi Tin Maung, the administrator of Mour village, U U Win Aung, owner of a flower lover restaurant in Nyoung Chaung village and another resident from Tan Tin village.

They were taken to the military headquarter on 6 September at around 10 am for interrogations. But till date they are now released.

"They are yet to be released. Now we come to know that they are being arrested. But we do not know the reason for their arrest,” said a relative of one arrestee.

He added that the family members have been pursuing with the junta authorities for their early release.

He also expressed dismay that if the military personnel ask someone for interrogations and then arrest him/her with no reason explained to the families, it becomes a very disturbing trend for the citizens.

Various Arakanese political analysts argue that the ongoing military and political crisis in Rakhine State are affecting the civilians in bad ways.

On 4 September, the military council and the police arrested Korinsot (b) Kyaw Zanwei, a young comedian from Mrauk U town for a social media post.

Till now, the military junta has arrested and charged over 40 civilians from Maungdaw, Kyauk Taw, Ponna Kyunt, Kyauk Pru and  Mrauk U townships with no such legitimate reasons.

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