Thousands Displaced By Junta Shelling In Mon State

Thousands Displaced By Junta Shelling In Mon State

Artillery attacks by the Burma Army (BA) have driven more than 8,000 people from their homes in Kyaik Hto (Kyaikto) Township in Mon State, according to the Karen National Union, whose armed wing, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), is fighting regime forces.

“The BA attacked villages with small and heavy arms. After the residents fled, soldiers stole everything of value from their houses and torched some of them,” a local told NMG on condition that his name wouldn’t be published.

The BA reportedly shelled Peinne Kon on 19 October. They pillaged the village, burnt down six houses and abducted two residents. Soldiers are reportedly still active in the area, as well as fighters from the KNLA.

According to the KNU, two columns of 500 BA soldiers invaded their area in the township on 13 October, and another 100-strong column went to Kadai Dut village a few days later, which they also looted.

A KNU officer from Kyaik Hto told NMG that a column of 200 soldiers BA is near the village of Peinne Taw.

“There’s two military BA columns traveling in the area and some BA soldiers are hiding in the jungle,” he said.

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