Thaungyin River IDP camps evacuated due to floods and landslides

Thaungyin River IDP camps evacuated due to floods and landslides

Due to rising water levels in the Thaungyin River (known as the Moei River in Thailand) in the east of the Dawna Range in Karen (Kayin) State’s Myawaddy District, internally displaced people (IDP) camps along the river were evacuated on 21 May.

All the camps are in an area controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 6.

Rain has been falling continuously since a cyclone hit on 20 May destroying temporary tents in IDP camps and causing landslides and food shortages, according to volunteers.

“There were severe landslides in Hpalulay Village on the Myanmar side near the Thaungyin River.

Over 1,000 IDPs are staying in the new IDP camps in Hpalulay Village. The water levels rose immediately because of the heavy rain.

The river current is very strong, we can’t even use motorboats”, said social worker, Chit Phyo Ko.

Villagers were also evacuated from Rathegu Village and other villages on the Myanmar side of the river.

“The rain hasn’t stopped yet. We have been moved to the nearest place of safety. Some IDPs have sought refuge in Thailand. We are in need of accommodation and food”, said an IDP.

Because of fighting between the Military Council and ethnic armed organisations (EAOs) there are seven IDP camps holding 10,000 IDPs near the Thaungyin River, in the area of Karen State controlled by KNU Brigade 6.

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