Pyithu Hluttaw representative for Thandwe Township asked questions in the yesterday’s Pyithu Hluttaw session on the quality of the construction projects in Thandwe Township.
Lawmaker U Min Kyi asked about the plan to oversee tender winners to meet required qualities of the buildings.
His questions were answered by U Kyaw Linn, deputy minister for Construction. He said that the regional government’s Supervising Committee for Constructions was assessing the quality of the construction materials imported by tender winners and taking action against companies for breach of contract.
“Regional minister for Electricity, Industry and Transportation is working as a chairperson for the committee to make sure buildings are built on time and to meet the required standards,” U Kyaw Linn said.
There is a third party to inspect the quality of the construction materials and the technology of the construction, he added.
U Min Kyi said that union government allocated a budget for 30 buildings in Thandwe Township for 2018-19 financial years. Some school buildings have cracks in the walls and some structures have leaks due to rain that has dripped through the ceiling one year after the completion of the construction.
“Some tender winners are constructing buildings in Thandwe Township without skilled engineers. And, the supervising committee, township management committee and third party are also weak in conducting their activities,” the lawmaker said.
He added that school buildings, roads and bridges were poor-quality because some tender winner developers were breaching their contracts and it wasted the state’s funding.