Tatmadaw Wages Indiscriminated Assault On Township in Kayah State

Tatmadaw Wages Indiscriminated Assault On Township in Kayah State

Burma Army is pummelling Demawso Township with artillery on the pretense of targeting a civilian resistance group but in reality, indiscriminately targeting anyone living in the township.

“We are not sure who they are targeting,” said a Demawso resident, explaining no one is leaving their homes during the shelling.

Starting at 6 am, June 1, the military fired 120mm shells from Loikaw at Demawso town, according to the spokesperson for Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF).

On Sunday, the military launched attacks on Pekon and Mobyel.

The resistance fighter explained KNDF didn't clash with the Army on Monday. But fighting broke out in the township at noontime on Sunday, during which Burma Army suffered many casualties.

KNDF killed 80 Burmese soldiers, the spokesperson said, while two KNDF members died and five were wounded.

NMG is unable to verify this information.

On Sunday, Burma Army called in combat helicopters after KNDF attacked near Kyaukse lake in Dawngan Hka ward. In the evening, two jet fighters scoured the area all night for resistance fighters.

KNDF started fighting with the military in the township on May 20. The conflict has spread to Mobyel, in Pekon Township, located in southern Shan State and bordering Kayah State.

Tens of thousands of villagers displaced by the fighting are in jungle camps without enough shelter from the rain. They are running out of food and urgently need medicine, as well as warm clothing and blankets.

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