Tatmadaw official died in mine blast, villagers flee from shooting in Hsipaw Township

Tatmadaw official died in mine blast, villagers flee from shooting in Hsipaw Township

Local residents have been taking refuge at a monastery in Hsipaw Township in the northern Shan State after the Tatmadaw fired several rounds inside the village in response to a mine blast.

A corporal died and a soldier has been injured after a mine exploded while around 70 troops from 503rd Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-503) were passing through Wan San Han Village of Mai Lan Village Group on April 1.

“According to the military intelligence, they (the Tatmadaw column) came here to search for the connection based on the testimony of a cattle smuggler, who has been arrested by them. They said the smugglers set up the mine so they killed the detained smuggler at the village. They also detained two residents of Wan San Village. They (the two residents) were only released after our monk appealed to them,” a local resident said on condition of anonymity.

The military column ransacked the homes of the villagers after shooing fires in every direction and destroyed the cars and motorcycles. The local residents had to take shelter at the monastery and they are still afraid to return home.

According to a monk from Mai Lan Village Group, over 300 residents have fled to Hsihsenng Monastery, their relatives’ homes in the town, and Nam Yang Village.

“They haven’t come back yet. They (the Tatmadaw) have ransacked the homes while the house owners were away. Cars and other equipment have been destroyed,” the monk said.

The local residents said an armed group shot fire at a vehicle transporting cattle on the highway between Wan Kon Sar and Wan San Laung villages in Hsipaw Township on March 31.

The Tatmadaw is active in this area near the highway. The Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army – North (SSPP/SSA-N) is active inside the area.

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