Sudden increase in arrests of undocumented Myanmar nationals in Mae Sot

Sudden increase in arrests of undocumented Myanmar nationals in Mae Sot

Undocumented Myanmar nationals are suffering increased hardship following a Thai authorities crackdown in Mae Sot, a Thai border town situated opposite Karen State, Myanmar.

According to a school teacher who actively took part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and is presently located in Mae Sot, many believe the sudden increase of  undocumented Myanmar nationals being arrested within the town, could be attributed to mounting pressure from the coup Military Council on the Thai authorities.

The teacher observed  that, "Since the Thai election, the frequency of arrests has noticeably increased. We are now forced to confine ourselves indoors, minimizing our outings. It is conceivable that the surge in illegal immigration, has contributed to the rise in arrests. Alternatively, it is plausible that the Military Council has exerted pressure on the Thai authorities. We perceive the Thai government's stance is indirectly supportive of the coup regime”, she told MNJ.

Following a surge in Thai police arrests of undocumented Myanmar nationals in Mae Sot, individuals from Myanmar residing in the area are engaging in mutual warnings and information sharing. Additionally, they are endeavoring to remain at home as much as possible during days when many arrests are being carried out. Unfortunately, those who are compelled to venture outside for their livelihoods are frequently being apprehended, according to a political activist.

"With arrests skyrocketing , a pervasive sense of unease has enveloped us. Even when we summon a motorcycle or a taxi for essential errands, I find myself gripped by panic, constantly wary of potential surveillance by the authorities. The prevailing insecurity is undeniably disconcerting. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that we possess the resilience and capacity to navigate and endure the present circumstances”, he said.

Due to the fear of job loss, certain undocumented Myanmar nationals are compelled to venture out for work, risking potential arrest by the Thai police. This has led to the actual arrest of some individuals.

A portion of those detained by the Thai police have managed to secure their release by paying bribes. However, individuals arrested by Thai immigration officials or other relevant organizations face significantly diminished prospects of escaping such predicaments, and are consequently exposed to the risk of deportation back to Myanmar.

Amidst the stringent arrests occurring in Mae Sot, Ko Hein Aung, who sought refuge at the Thai border, expressed a contrasting sentiment, stating that he feels relatively safer compared to living in Myanmar, currently subjected to the oppressive governance of the Military Council.

"At the very least, even if we are arrested, we are afforded human dignity and treated with a certain level of respect. Undoubtedly, this is a far preferable situation than enduring life under the oppressive rule of the Military Council”, he explained.

Amidst the ongoing struggle against the military coup, numerous Myanmar citizens have been compelled to flee their homeland along with their families and seek refuge in Mae Sot and other parts of Thailand. Unlike migrant workers, they did not initially come to Thailand with the intention of seeking employment, which has resulted in various challenges and inconveniences as they embark on their migration journey.

"Many of us find ourselves having to rebuild our lives from scratch, with some fleeing our homeland with only the clothes on their backs. However, we are determined to endure and persevere until our revolution achieves success”, Ko Hein Aung said.

According to the CDM school teacher mentioned earlier, while aid groups offer essential food supplies such as rice, oil, and salt, there is a lack of financial assistance. As a result, migrant Myanmar nationals residing in a foreign country like herself, are constantly concerned about their ability to afford rent and housing expenses.

"The path of revolution is arduous and challenging, with numerous individuals sacrificing their lives and livelihoods in pursuit of change. There are moments when I feel overwhelmed by a deep sense of despair. During such times, I must gather my inner strength and foster resilience. I often find myself yearning for home, experiencing an intense longing and nostalgia”, she admitted.

There is an immediate and pressing requirement for the Myanmar citizens who have sought shelter at the Thai border amidst the Spring Revolution to be provided with certain kinds of official recognition cards for temporary residency in Thailand. There have been suggestions to streamline the process by issuing refugee recognition cards in collaboration with the government of Malaysia and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which would greatly enhance convenience for migrant Myanmar citizens within Thailand.

On May 14th, an incident occurred in Mae Sot where authorities conducted a raid on a residence in a specific ward, resulting in the seizure of military weapons and associated materials. The search operation is currently ongoing to apprehend individuals connected to the confiscated weaponry.

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