Silent strike to be conducted on 2nd anniversary of military coup

Silent strike to be conducted on 2nd anniversary of military coup

Spring Revolution Combined Forces initiated ‘Silent Strike’ campaign to be conducted on 2nd anniversary of   coup d’état in Myanmar.

The military seized the power from the democratically elected government on 1 February 2021.

The campaign is designed with silence, fewer people on the roads and enthusiasm for victory.

“February 1, 2023 is the 2nd anniversary of military and the Spring Revolution of Myanmar people. We need to expressed our continuous anti-coup struggle in various ways amid the brutal oppressions of junta regime,” according to the announcement of   Spring Revolution Combined Forces.

It also said silent roads, streets and public areas will threaten the junta, with the message of stiff opposition against the regime.

The Silent Strike could express public opinion to the world against the planned illegitimate elections of the military.

In consideration of people’s daily activities, the Silent Strike is scheduled between 10 am to 3 pm, and that necessary medicines and food items should be bought earlier before this campaign.

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