Several Killed During Bomb Blasts in Shan State

Several Killed During Bomb Blasts in Shan State

Explosions continue to go off across Shan State as Burma enters the fourth month since the military staged a coup, arresting lawmakers from the democratically elected government.

A bomb blast killed one person, injuring three others in Pinlon town (aka Panglong) in southern Shan State on May 28.

Another two bombs exploded on the grounds of Middle School No 2 at 3:30 pm.

“Because the location was very close to where the Burma Army are located, some say the military found the bombs themselves and detonated them as part of a clearance operation,” a resident told SHAN.

On the same day, another explosion killed an 18-year-old near a shop selling medicine in northern Shan State at about 8:15 am. The blast wounded three people and destroyed a motorbike.

The youth worked for the municipal department in Muse where the explosion happened while the others worked in the medicine shop.

A resident said homes near the blast site were damaged. “The explosion was very loud,” the man said, explaining how it shook nearby the homes.

Parents are afraid to enroll their children for the upcoming school year after explosions damaged high schools in Mongyai town, located in Lashio Township.

On May 27, a bomb exploded at 5 am near the rear door of Ho Ya High School in Mongyai.

“On the day before the blast, military parents enrolled their children at the school, while regular parents did not,” a man from the village tract told SHAN.

Prior to the explosion, the military council pressured teachers who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement to return to work.

The day earlier another blast happened at 9:30 pm at the front door of a high school in the town.

“I didn’t see parents enrolling their children in school,” a resident told SHAN.

Another source reported to SHAN seeing only four teachers at the school on the day of the explosions.

Photo: Bomb blast at Panglong School 28 May

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