Seven landmine-explosions in Rakhine and Chin kill four people

Seven landmine-explosions in Rakhine and Chin kill four people

Within two months seven landmines were exploded in six townships of Rakhine State and Paletwa township of Chin State killing four people and injuring five others, according to a reliable source.

The affected Rakhine townships where the explosions took place from 14 to 22 June include Ann, Minbya, Rathedaung, Maebon, Kyauk Taw and Mrauk-U.

The victims include U Than Min Naing hailing from Dalet North village under  Ann township, U Aung Thar Tun from Pan Myaung village under Minbya township, U Maung Than Tin from Sa Nyin refugee camp in Myebon township and Daw Ma Tin Thein from Yothar village under Kyauktaw township.

Seriously injured individuals include  Ko Aung Aung Oo (his left leg is already amputated) from Ngacha village and Daw Win Khin (her right leg amputated)  from Thaka Chaung village under  Paletwa township.

Other injured are U Maung Kyi Win from Sa Nyin War refugee camp in Myebon township, U Aye Sein Tun and Daw Aye Sein Nu (husband and wife) from Tha Si Gone village in Rathedaung township of Rakhine State.

On 25 June, a landmine was exploded in Mrauk-U township killing a cow belonging to a farmer from Pauk Taw Byint village located at the foot of Thin Kyit Taw Taung mountain where a military camp is located.

Ashin U Asara, in-charge of the SaNyin refugee camp in Maebon township, said some people were killed and wounded in a recent landmine explosion in his locality. Now the people are scared of going to the mountains looking for firewood and vegetables. But some people from IDP camps have to go there for their survival.

"It becomes dangerous to go to the forest areas. The mines are exploding everywhere in Rakhine State. Most of the landmines have been exploded near the military bases,” he added.

After the ceasefire agreement between the military council and the Arakan Army (AA), the security forces cleared all landmines along the Sittwe-Ann highway and Rathedaung- Agnumaw road by 2020. But the landmines were not cleared in some sensitive areas where the clashes between Tamadaw personnel and AA members.

From 2019 to 2021, 58 people were killed and 191 were injured in landmine explosions across  Rakhine State and also Paletwa township, revealed the Rakhine Ethnic Congress (REC).

UNICEF said in the 24 June statement that 155 children were killed and injured due to  landmine-explosions in Burma since the military coup (in February 2021). Out of the victims, 47 were killed between January and April 2022, it added.

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