Rice Imports from Myanmar to Mae Sot Disrupted Thailand- Myanmar Border

Rice Imports from Myanmar to Mae Sot Disrupted Thailand- Myanmar Border

During June, continuous torrential rain damaged sections of the Myawaddy-Kawkareik Road, preventing rice from the mainland regions of Myanmar reaching the Thailand-Myanmar border. As a result, rice shops in the border town of Myawaddy are running out of stock, and shipments to Mae Sot have ceased, according to local traders.

“The roads were severely damaged, preventing large rice container trucks from the mainland from reaching Myawaddy. Junta troops are also intercepting and seizing rice shipments; hence it has become very difficult to get Myanmar rice to Myawaddy. In Myawaddy, Myanmar rice is the main staple. Currently, Thai-grown rice is being used

as an alternative. Rice imports from Myanmar no longer reach Mae Sot”, a convenience store owner said.

Currently in Myawaddy, to cope with the reduced rice import capacity from the mainland, some rice shops are selling lower-quality rice at a price of 35,000 – 40,000 MMK for a bag weighing around 13 kg.

A resident of Myawaddy remarked that consumers have little option but to accept rationing and buy whatever rice they can find, given the current scarcity.

Based on current rates, the finest rice in Myawaddy is priced around 280,000 MMK per bag, whereas in Mae Sot, prices range between 3.200 and 3,500 THB. Certain retailers are pricing small 13 kg bags of rice between 570 and 600 THB, but overall, Mae Sot is experiencing a significant shortage of Myanmar rice.

Due to the current situation, many Myanmar residents in Mae Sot are opting for Thai rice, which is more affordable and readily available. Rice traders have noted that if this trend continues and becomes normalized, Myanmar residents in Mae Sot may increasingly prefer Thai rice in the future.

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