Region Chief Minister appointed by Military Council campaigning for USDP, locals says

Region Chief Minister appointed by Military Council campaigning for USDP, locals says

The Chief Minister of Ayeyarwady Region, appointed by the Military Council, is campaigning for the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) according to locals.

The Chief Minister of Ayeyarwady Region, U Tin Maung Win, has been visiting various towns and cities in the region for various reasons, and campaigning for the USDP party.

A person close to the Regional Military Council government said, “ On every trip of the Regional Chief Minister, there are always top leaders, former ministers and representatives of the USDP party. They go together,” he said.

Locals and people close to the Regional Military Council government said that the Military Council is holding opening ceremonies and meetings in the cities it is visiting, while also campaigning for the USDP party.

Derek Chollet, Counselor of the US State Department of State, said during a meeting with VOA that the United States will not recognize the elections in Myanmar, where there is a lack of freedom of the press and the arrest and imprisonment of prominent opposition leaders.

According to a township chairman of a political party, it is possible for the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)want to make it visible to the public that the USDP party members are cooperating with the military council to promote local development..

“ When the election comes, they make the USDP stick in the eyes of the local people, so that people will see the USDP in the election. But the way you will vote if you keep it in your heart,” he said.

After the military coup, local defense forces have been attacking the armed forces of the Military Council in most provinces and territories, but the Military Council has announced that it will still hold elections.

A politician over 70 years old said if they hold an election “ Then they will be ashamed and embarrassed.. They are afraid of losing, so they will cheat. So it’s a shame. They will end up totally humiliated.”

The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has also said that since the end of last year, he does not accept the election to be held by the Military Council.

His Asia Pacific counselor Derek Cholett elaborated in an interview with VOA, “ These elections have no chance of being free and fair. It’s a ransparent attempt to try to legitimize what the junta has done and try to create an offramp somehow for its coup.It’s unclear how they could even hold elections. They don’t control up to 50% of the territory right now.”

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