Regime troops target IDP camps in Kayah State

Regime troops target IDP camps in Kayah State

The junta troops have been carrying out targeted attacks on IDP camps in Kayah State since the beginning of this month, the aid workers who assist the displaced people, told Than Lwin Times.

On the morning of March 12, a military column of more than 200 soldiers raided and set fire to a refugee camp in the eastern part of Demoso.

The IDP camp, where the majority of the women and children live, has nearly 40 dwellings, and the items and food have gone up in flames, although the displaced people escaped the raid.

U Banya, chairman of the Karenni State Consultative Council’s (KSCC) human rights committee, told Than Lwin Times that the military council has been targeting places where refugees have been accepted.

In addition, due to the orders of the seniors to seize as much of the eastern part of Demoso as possible, the junta troops have been continuously burning and destroying the residences of people fleeing the conflict, he said.

Currently, regime forces have launched an offensive into Loikaw, Bawlakhe, and Demoso Townships, and the fighting has intensified, forcing more than 5,000 people to relocate.

More than 200,000 people are fleeing the battle in Kayah State, which has a population of close to 300,000, as a result of fighting between the two factions, and they urgently need food and medicine, the aid workers said.

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