Rare-Earth Mining Cause Drought and Landslides in Chibwe Township

Rare-Earth Mining Cause Drought and Landslides in Chibwe Township

Residents in Chibwe (Chipwi) Township, located in Myitkyina District, Kachin State, have reported that the Chibwe stream has been negatively impacted by rare-earth mining activities. As a result, they are experiencing water scarcity issues and facing the risks of landslides in the area.

In the past, villagers relied on the Chibwe stream for agriculture and farming activities, while passers-by and residents used it as a source of drinking water. However, residents have now reported that the stream has become contaminated and is no longer suitable for drinking due to the damage caused by mining activities.

According to a local resident, the water in the Chibwe stream is not suitable for drinking as it has a foul odor and is not potable.

"When the water lost its clarity, it rendered the stream unusable for the nearby residents. And when animals consumed this water, they became emaciated and perished. Today, animals instinctively avoid lingering near such streams due to the unpleasant odor. In the past, drinking murky water led to the animals becoming emaciated and meeting their demise."

Apart from the destruction caused by illegal rare-earth mining in Chibwe township, the Chibwe creek has also turned into a toxic waterway.

Currently, the local villagers are unable to utilize the water from the Chibwe stream, and as a result, they have resorted to drinking spring water as an alternative, as mentioned by a resident.

"At present, we rely on a small spring as our primary water source for approximately 40-50 houses in the town. However, we are facing significant hardships due to the severe water scarcity. The population has grown denser. The impact of climate change has caused a decline in water availability."

The damage to the Chibwe stream has been ongoing for approximately three to four years, and according to residents, the situation has deteriorated to the point where the stream is now completely unusable.

The current state of the Chibwe stream renders its water completely unusable. It is important to note that the Chibwe stream not only serves the Chibwe township but also contributes to the Maykha River. The Maykha (N'Mai) and Malikha (Mali) rivers further join the Irrawaddy River, which holds significant importance as a major river in Myanmar.

In Chibwe township, apart from the issue of water scarcity, there are concerns regarding the significant impact of extensive rare-earth mining on the local landscape. The mining activities have resulted in land and hill collapses, leading to further complications in the road sections of the area.

The rare-earth mining blocks in Chibwe township have been experiencing frequent landslides, particularly during rainy seasons. Tragically, on April 25, two young men lost their lives as a result of a landslide within one of these mining blocks.

Furthermore, in the Changmawhkung area of Chibwe Township, a resident who voiced opposition to the rare-earth mining project was apprehended by the Zahkung Ting Ying militia last year.

In addition to the environmental damage caused by rare-earth mining, the residents of Chibwe township have been raising concerns about the issue since 2019. They have been sending letters to the relevant government authorities in hopes of finding a resolution. However, despite their efforts, no effective actions have been taken. The mining activities have persisted even after the military coup d'état, exacerbating the situation for the local residents.

In Chibwe Township, there is a Pangwa militia called Zahkung Ting Ying, which operates under the Military Council. Rare-earth mining in the area is being conducted through collaboration between Chinese businessmen and local forces, particularly in Pangwa, Chibwe, and Hsawlaw regions. It has been reported that mining activities have also commenced in Tonemuhkung.

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