Phone lines cut off after KIA attacked the Military Council camp and police station in Northern Shan State

Phone lines cut off after KIA attacked the Military Council camp and police station in Northern Shan State

Phone lines were cut off after KIA triggered an attack on the Military Council camp and the police station in Mantong village in Kutkai Township in Northern Shan State on September 29.

The joint force of KIA Battalion 8, Battalion 34 and PDFs attacked the Military Council’s Infantry Division 130 Camp in Mantong village two times on September 29. The joint force also opened fire at the Myoma police station at around 1:00pm and set alight the building one hour later, a local source told Myitkyina News Journal.

A person close to KIA confirmed that KIA launched an attack but did not provide details. He only said that there could be casualties on both sides.  

“The reports are true. Battalion 34 an 8 got together and set the police station fire”, he said.

In addition, on the morning of September 29, the Military Council troops advancing towards the Tsing Li Kawng Ra area were hit by landmines planted by the KIA and injured troops along with 30 soldiers were sent back to Namtu, according to the above source.

“KIA fired 2 RPG shots at the soldiers while they were checking the injuries. It seems like all of them were hit in the attack”, he said.

The phone lines were cut off since the fighting in Mantong intensified, so the situation of the locals was not known yet.

KIA also attacked the Military Council’s strategic outpost in Namtu on September 28.

Since September 26, 4 columns of Military Council had been operating in KIA Battalion 8 controlled territories in Shan State. Fighting between the two sides began on September 27 in the Tsing Li Kawng Ra area, forcing around 40 local families to flee to Namtu.

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