PDFs Battle Regime In Tanintharyi

PDFs Battle Regime In Tanintharyi

The People’s Defence Forces (PDF) attacked the military in Lae Thit during fierce fighting in Tanintharyi Region in southern Burma, with casualties on both sides. Several government soldiers were wounded during the two days of clashes.

Two regime soldiers died on the first day when the Tanintharyi Yoma and Myeik PDFs ambushed a group of 60 soldiers and 40 members of the local Pyusawhtee staying in the village

on 25 November, a resistance fighter who requested anonymity told NMG. Both sides exchanged gunfire from 11am to 1pm. He explained that the junta forces had arrived at Lae Thit located in Myeik District a couple of days earlier.

The next day, the PDFs attacked the regime forces around noon, killing six regime fighters. PDF fighter Dawng Min was also killed.

“Both sides used light and heavy weapons during the clash,” a man from the village, who also requested anonymity, told NMG. Everyone fled the village before the junta troops arrived, he

said, but now they’re suffering without their houses to shelter them from the rain.

The residents of Lae Thit returned to their village of 1,000 homes on the Tanintharyi River only two months ago after earlier fighting between armed groups forced them to flee. They live by farming and fishing along the river.

In anticipation of further violence in the region, the PDF has issued a travel warning.

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