Over 40 children killed or injured in Karen ethnic areas in post-coup violence

Over 40 children killed or injured in Karen ethnic areas in post-coup violence

The Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) has compiled a survey indicating that over 40 children

have been killed in conflicts in Karen ethnic areas since the Military Council staged a coup in early 2021.

According to Saw Nand Hsue, spokesperson for KHRG, the Military Council's airstrikes and shelling in territories controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) have resulted in the deaths of 25 children below the age of 18, with an additional 19 children sustaining injuries.

“We have not received any updated information on the areas of KNU’s 5th and 6th Brigades as fighting is ongoing there, so there may be gaps in the casualty list we have compiled,”  he said.

Saw Nanda Hsue has also confirmed that the current list of 25 child deaths includes some fetuses that were still in their mothers’ wombs. In light of this information, KHRG is planning to re-record the details to ensure accuracy.

In addition, air raids by the Military Council in Karen ethnic areas have escalated, resulting in the deaths of over 50 local ethnic civilians and injuring more than 100. The number of displaced people has also increased to approximately 600,000, KHRG announced on April 12th.

The National Unity Government (NUG) released data on April 18th revealing that since the Military Council’s coup in 2021, 396 children have been killed and 355 children under the age of 18 have been arrested and imprisoned.

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