NUG's Acting President Comments on China’s Influence in Myanmar's Internal Affairs

NUG's Acting President Comments on China’s Influence in Myanmar's Internal Affairs

Duwa Lashi La, the acting president of the National Unity Government (NUG), emphasized that neighboring China's foreign policies and attitudes are shaping the ongoing internal affairs of Myanmar.

He underscored the necessity for NUG to regulate its own paths and advance independently, aiming to avoid being manipulated by superpower nations, and minimizing the excessive influence from regional powerhouses. The acting president made this comment at the NUG cabinet meeting held on January 16th.

Duwa Lashi La also highlighted the necessity for NUG to adopt proactive and independent foreign policies that align with public sentiment.

Political analyst U Than Soe Naing remarked that NUG’s acting president may have alluded to China's involvement in internal affairs, surpassing internationally accepted norms, particularly in the military conflicts that occurred in northeastern Myanmar. "It appears

that NUG stated this due to its perception that China's involvement in the conflicts in the northeast regions, has surpassed the norms of sovereign relations. Indeed, that perspective is true, and China should restrict its interference in Myanmar's internal affairs to an appropriate degree.” he said.

Intense battles were raging in northeastern Myanmar between the Three Brotherhood Alliance and the coup Military Council over the past few months; however, with China, which is influential on both sides, serving as an intermediary, three rounds of negotiations occurred, culminating in the eventual attainment of a ceasefire agreement.

On the other hand other analysts wonder why should the NUG complain about the Chinese role as a mediator, when there was a clear and present danger that artillery from the Junta was likely to land on the other side of the border and impact Chinese villages?

Secondly the overall impact of Chinese policy in the Shan State has angered the Junta, because it has indulged  the 1027 offensive to rout their troops and capture many bases, and at the same time enforced the mainland China’s policy to crackdown on the huge network of Chinese- run cyber- crime based around casinos in northern Shan State.

This 1027 movement was loudly cheered on by the NUG and the nationwide struggle against the dictatorship. It was precisely China s refusal to apply pressure on the Three Brotherhood Alliance  -  and by not interfering between the two sides inside Shan State that enable 1027 to cruise to victory.

During the previous Aung San Suu Kyi administration and State Counsellor enjoyed very positive relations with Beijing and pledged to protect China’s foreign investment projects.

The NUG may need to tread a fine line in advocating a more independent foreign policy that applies not only to Chinese influence over Myanmar , but also to other big powers including the US. At a time when Beijing’s confidence in the Junta’s longevity is at an all-time low , the NUG has every reason  convince their giant neighbour that the revolution is not  a western-backed movement linked to Washington foreign policy, and not anti-Chinese.

In its January 1st statement, NUG elaborated on its approach towards China, expressing a commitment to maintaining a sincere 'Paukphaw' (friendship) relation, striving to be a good neighbor, endorsing the One-China policy, and ensuring the protection of China's investments and interests in Myanmar.

Duwa Lashi La warned that the trajectory of the revolution may encounter ups and downs, influenced by shifts in the world's political landscapes, underscoring the significance of staying vigilant to these changes at all times.

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