NUG demands justice for those killed by the junta

NUG demands justice for those killed by the junta

The NUG Ministry of Health issued a statement saying that there must be justice for students, healthcare workers and all the innocent people who have died as a result of the coup.

It said that those who are responsible for military acts of terrorism will be severely punished in accordance with the law.

It was part of a statement the NUG released on 22 May to express its condolences for the killing of Kyaw Nyi Zin, a third-year student at Mandalay Medical University, on 20 May.

Ko Kyaw Nyi Zin was driving on the Chaung Oo to Monywa highway on 20 May when the military suddenly tried to stop his car. Due to his speed, he was not able to stop in a timely manner and was shot in the head by the military.

He was taken to Monywa Hospital but died later that afternoon as a result of his injuries. His body was bought back to Mandalay and he was buried on 21 May.

The junta is committing many acts that can be classified as terrorism.

In the health sector they have carried out arbitrary arrests of Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare workers, medical specialists and medical students. Sometimes they are also torturing and brutally killing them.

The junta has also revoked medical licences for no reason, unethically inspected patients’ confidential medical records, and raided hospitals and clinics, according to the NUG Ministry of Health.

According to the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP) the Military Council has killed over 1,850 people and imprisoned more than 13,700 since the coup on 1 February 2021 until 20 May 2022.

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