Nearly 400 civilian deaths in Tanintharyi since coup

Nearly 400 civilian deaths in Tanintharyi since coup

Nearly 400 civilian deaths have been reported in Tanintharyi Region from February 2021, when the military took power, to the end of February this year, according to a report released by Southern Monitor, a research group, on March 5.

The Southern Monitor stated that 394 civilians were killed and 146 injured in the two years and one month of the coup.

Additionally, 34 civilians were murdered and 10 were injured in February of this year, with the worst casualties being in the townships of Yebyu, Dawei, Palaw, and Thayatchaung.

Civilians are killed as a result of the military council’s artillery shelling, the arrest and killing of military columns, security-related shootings, and the revolutionary forces’ assassination of informants.

According to the Southern Monitor, the military council set fire to more than 200 local homes in Palaw Township and engaged in 37 engagements with the combined People’s Defense Forces in Tanintharyi region in February alone.

More than 28,000 locals have fled to neighboring forests and jungles for safety as a result of the conflict between the two sides, and they desperately need humanitarian aid.

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