
October 17, 2022
Military Council troops threatened to burn down the entire village, after an inspection in Hpakant Township in Kachin State according to local...
October 17, 2022
After the Arakan Army (AA) arrested a former Army Captain in Ramree Township, the Military Council retaliated by detaining seven local residents in...
October 17, 2022
A bomb was detonated in front of an air force pilot’s house in Yangon’s North Okkalapa Township on the night of 11 October. The explosion destroyed...
View of the ridgetop city of Aizawl, state capital of Mizoram. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
October 17, 2022
The short film Ma Thouk Mi Thaw Moe Khar Yay about a junta army officer who joins the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) will be screened in India in...
October 17, 2022
The Myanmar military reportedly detained two brothers in Paletwa, Chin State, on October 13 and 14, according to family members. Junta soldiers...
October 17, 2022
Malaysian authorities raided the Kuala Lumpur office of the Arakan Refugee Relief Committee (ARRC), the main agency assisting Arakanese people in...
October 17, 2022
Children living in refugee camps in the western part of Demos, Kayah State, are suffering from diarrhea diseases, the volunteers who are assisting...
PNO PNA militianmen
October 17, 2022
The regime-controlled Pa-O National Organisation (PNO) allegedly killed a drug user after soldiers beat him and two others they’d detained in...
October 17, 2022
The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) has offered to meet other ethnic armed groups in Burma for peace talks to build mutual trust and...
October 16, 2022
Betel nut suppliers told Than Lwin Times that they are facing losses due to the continuous decline in domestic and international demand and prices...
October 15, 2022
As the regime’s forces continue to keep a stranglehold on Mutupi and nothing is allowed to enter or leave the town in southern Chin State, the prices...
October 15, 2022
At least 5 civilians from Tanugup and Kyaukphyu Townships were arrested by the Military Council earlier this week. 4 of the arrested were from...