Myanmar’s passport services return with technical hitch

Myanmar’s passport services return with technical hitch

Online reservation queue for Myanmar passport application was resumed on 24 February, but the system has not fully recovered with some delays.

Although the 24-hour booking is allowed on , the system was disrupted after a few hours of resumption due to a large number of users in the morning.

“I have arrived in Yangon to get passport for overseas job since November. As this service was suspended, I was stranded here while seeking possible ways to get this document. I had to spend money a lot. The resumption of online reservation queue on 24 February morning was announced, but I had no access to the system around 8 am, possibly due to the network traffic. It recovered in the afternoon. However, the system was very slow to complete each step. The phone numbers of their services were not available all the time,” said an applicant for online reservation queue.

Authorities charged K35,000 for application of new Myanmar passport, K75,000 for a damaged or lost passport., and the amount of Myanmar currency equivalent to US$75 for the loss in a foreign country.

The whole service fee is collected as soon as online reservation has been made. Payment is now available KBZ-pay and MPU Debit card that s registered for e-commerce.

After completing relevant forms and reservation, the applicant needs to go to the passport office together with the required documents.

The applicants in green channel do not need to make reservation, and they should have the recommendations of the director-general and above the level of the respective ministry before submitting documents through the respective ministry to to the chairman of the Myanmar Passport Issuing Office.

The green channel covers MoU workers, religious organizations, invitation for cultural exchange fairs, seafarers, those who are going abroad on leave, overseas medical treatment and their helpers, travel agencies, scholars, and government employees who will go abroad on duty.

 The applicant should also submit original and two copies of citizen ID card, the original and two copies of family member list, the original and two copies of birth certificates under 10-year-old children.

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