Myanmar’s film actor sentenced to 5-year imprisonment for mutilation case

Myanmar’s film actor sentenced to 5-year imprisonment for mutilation case

Myanmar’s film actor Min Yar Zar, his wife and his manager were sentenced to 5-year imprisonment and hard labour each for mutilation of a teenager girl.

The final verdict for torture was handed down to  Min Yar Zar, his spouse Phue Ngong Pwint and his manager Aung Lwin Soe (a) Rakhinelay  at North Okkalapa Township court on 13 March, according to the plaintiff’s attorney to Than Lwin Times.

They were charged with child rape and severe torture to the young girl in April 2020.   

“They would even face up to 20 years in prison. They really committed it. However, the township court ordered only 5 years imprisonment for mutilation. It was unfair court decision for my client, “ said Plaintiff’s Attorney Thazin Aye, adding that she will apply for more severe punishment to district and regional courts, as well as the Supreme Court of the Union in Nay Pyi Taw.

Naw Ohn Hla who is providing assistance to the victim remarked that the verdict was made in an unfair trial.

The junta regime issued an order in 2021 to halt trials of rape case and other crimes. However,   trials for this case was resumed due to the complaint of lawyer.

Min Yar Zar will also receive final verdict for the remaining rape case charge  Article 376 at the Thingangyun township court.

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